Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Desires of the Heart

Desires of the Heart

So you woke-up one day and you have discovered that some desires of your heart were not fulfilled to your heart’s content. You should learn to treat your heart, as an independent entity living under your chest. Desires and wishes are what feeds the heart, and if left un-nurtured, will cause pain and sorrow, mainly chronic sadness.

Some desires and wishes cannot simply be made true. You have got your social circumstances, family duties, emotional bonds, which go against fulfilling your desires. But this is naturally so, for life is full of contradictions, and it would rather be pale, if it were not so.

Eating well is one way of partially resolving your desire/wish-drenched heart. I meant, eating well, not eating a lot, indulging in high carbohydrate content and empty calories food.

I mean to eat like a gourmet, learning how to appreciate the delicate seasonings and the variety of spices and aromas. The palate is directly associated to quenching the thirst of the heart, mainly the raja (fire) qualities of it, which in turn is associated to desires and wishes.

Bon Appétit!

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